Saturday, July 9, 2011

RWA NYC Conference

Last week I was fortunate to attend the National Romance Writers of America Conference in New York City. Take aways:
1. To my new writing friends from New Jersey, Boston, and here in my hometown of Denver - you are amazing, incredible women. You inspire me with your talent, determination, and enthusiasm, and I am so grateful that I met you.
2. To all the volunteers who made the conference possible - thank you! Your hard work made everything possible.
3. To all the industry professionals in attendance who conducted pitch sessions, spotlights, and workshops, thank you for your time and effort, it was tremendously informative and rewarding. I dipped my toe into the gigantic sea that is publishing and it was exhilarating. Can't wait to plunge in all the way one day.
3. I love Central Park.
4. I love Times Square.
5. I love writing, my fellow writers, and the inspirational stories of hard won success that some of you shared. Thank you for your courage and camaraderie.


  1. Sounds like you had a great time, Kimberly. I'm a big fan of conferences and have really enjoyed the mystery conventions as well. See you in the fall at Colorado Gold?

  2. I'm excited about RMFW's conference. As I met great new friends at RWA this year, I couldn't help but think about how we became friends at Colorado Gold. It will be nice to see you in person and catch up, even though I know you'll be busy!

  3. I agree! Nationals was a great time full of amazing women.
